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More about

Information that you'll find useful is a retailer of the extravagance advertise since 1930. The store and its official site LUISAVIAROMA.COM highlight credible women's, men's, and kids' apparel, shoes and adornments from both understood and rising architects in the design business. The store and also the online shop is headquartered in Florence, Italy.

Basic information about

In 1930, Frenchwoman Luisa Jaquin opened a little cap boutique on using Roma in Florence. Her significant other gradually extended the store by including garments, and manufactured his own industrial facility to create them. While still in school, Andrea Panconesi, their grandson, turned into the visual merchandiser and travelled to Paris on his first purchasing trip. In 1968 while in Paris, Andrea met Japanese originator Kenzo and turned into the main store in Europe to convey his name Kenzo. Starting there onwards, Andrea Panconesi has driven Luisa Via Roma. was made to give choose customers the capacity to shop the idea store on-line. The site was exceptionally selective for the initial 3–4 years. The website was re-styled in 2004 and opened to all web clients in English. The site was later converted into Italian, German, Chinese, Russian, French and Spanish with an end goal to extend in developing markets and embrace focused on advertising procedures.

Why choose

Here are the reasons;

  • Quality items are given by at a low cost.