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ProHealth, Inc.

555 Maple Ave Carpinteria, CA 93013


More about

Information that you'll find useful

Since the organization's establishing in 1988, ProHealth has been driven by a urgent center mission: to bolster sufferers of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Fibromyalgia by offering world-class dietary supplements, different items that make life simpler for ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia patients, and focused on news, data and group get to.

Basic information about

This dedication springs from their organizer and CEO, Rich Carson, who was determined to have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in 1981. A national pioneer in the battle against ME/CFS, Rich has been one of the top pledge drives in the United States for research against the infection since 1986, and was spoken to the Center for Disease Control in their $4 million Chronic Fatigue Syndrome mindfulness crusade. In 1997, Rich considered and propelled the Campaign for a Fair Name, which prevailing with regards to changing the basic name of the ailment from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to the name that patients favor, ME/CFS.

Rich says, "My own reasoning about social insurance is that our ailment doesn't characterize us, we characterize it. Way of life, eating regimen, physical development, and supplements give us quality to continue, and I don't consider it treating my infection, I consider it treating my body with the goal that it can treat the sickness itself. Also, remaining educated about the most recent news and research is engaging for patients and gives them trust and a feeling of dominance over their malady."

Rich's journey for viable medicines for his own sickness drove him to begin ProHealth as an approach to give different patients access to the supplements that demonstrated most gainful to him and others with ME/CFS, and in the 25 years from that point forward, our organization has developed to highlight more than 600 exceptionally viable items in our internet Healing Store - supplements that bolster ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, and related wellbeing issues including:
- Immune support
- Pain administration
- Energy streamlining
- Digestive support
- Sleep upgrade
- Detoxification
- Adrenal and Thyroid direction

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