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5005 Mitchelldale Suite #100 Houston, TX 77092 United States of America

(866) 964 - 2867

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Hostgator, Reliable Web Hosting

This is probably the commonly used web hosting service on the internet today because of it's service delivery and reliable packages. Hostgator was founded somewhere in a dorm room in Florida and the domain name was registered on October 22 2002 after the founder Brent Oxley had battled with choosing the best name for the company and it's website. He was in between choosing either or and in the long run he opted for the latter. The company recorded its first 100 active customers by 1st February 2003, with an increase to 1031 a while later and the company maintained a steady growth after then by reaching millions of people across the globe. Its staff strength also enjoyed a significant boost as the company's customer base increased.

What's Hostgator

Hostgator is one the world's leading provider of Shared, Reseller, VPS and Dedicated web hosting. The company has it's headquarters located in Houston, Austin, Texas and other dedicated offices located across the globe. It's mostly known for reliable web hosting services available at affordable prices depending on the package the customer opts for. They also offer domain name registration services which can compete with the best domain name registration companies on the internet today.

Products and Services

  1. Hostgator offers range of hosting services such as:
  2. Web Hosting
  3. Wordpress Hosting
  4. Windows Hosting
  5. Reseller Hosting
  6. VPS Hosting
  7. Cloud Hosting
  8. Dedicated Hosting
  9. Application Hosting
The website also offers Domain services such a Registration, Managing and Transferring Domains.

Why Choose Hostagor?

Hostagor is widely used by people on the internet to host websites and register domain names because of its reliability, friendly prices and awesome packages. The customer service center is available 24/7 to help you solve problems that you might be having with their services through their dedicated representatives. For as low as $3.45, you can purchase a hosting and service on the company's website