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A.T. Cross Company

299 Promenade St. Providence, Rhode Island 02908 U.S.A.




More about

Information that you'll find useful

The organization was established in 1846 in Providence, Rhode Island, and at first made gold and silver housings for pencils, mirroring the Cross family's history as gem dealers. The organization was established by Richard Cross who passed it on to his child Alonzo T. Cross. The organization created numerous inventive new composition instruments, including harbingers of the current mechanical pencils, and the soonest stylographic pens. In the wake of exchanging on the NASDAQ for a long time, the organization was sold to Clarion Capital Partners LLC in 2013.

Basic information about

Cross is outstanding for its composition instrument lines, starting with mechanical pencils and delivered the primary stylographic pens in 1879. The present product offering incorporates wellspring pens, ballpoint pens, gel pens and mechanical pencils. The main Cross wellspring pens were likely delivered in 1930, however not again until the 1980s.

Cross composition instruments are for the most part sold in the mid-scope of the market, as opposed to the extraordinary extravagance end. Notwithstanding, they turned into an "unquestionable requirement have" adornment for the rising proficient amid the 1970s and 1980s.

The organization additionally makes a scope of wristwatches, sleeve buttons, work area extras and cowhide products, for example, pen cases, portfolios, and different things regularly focused at the blessing market.

Why choose

A few advantages are:

  • Manufactures and disperses fine written work instruments, diaries and adornments around the world.