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History was founded in 2013 and has rapidly grown to become one of the most popular online stores to offer women’s clothing, shoes and fashion accessories to their customers around the world. Since its inception, has won the hearts of fashion-conscious women with their unique and ever-evolving range of products. The store bagged the coveted Lates fashion award in 2013 due to their passion for meeting the needs of women around the world with quality products, affordable pricing, easy ordering and free shipping facility.

Basic Information about

The site has a great selection of clothing, shoes and fashion accessories to suit every occasion and to meet the needs of women of all age brackets. At, you will find clothing in different categories, including shirts, t-shirts, coats, jackets, suits, tops, jumpers, blazers, playsuits, jumpsuits, dresses, jeans, camis, hoodies, etc. moreover, trendy footwear like heels, boots, sandals, sneakers, flats, platforms, and fashionable accessories such as necklaces, caps, hats, sunglasses, purses and bags are all available to complete your outfit.

Why Choose

  • The store has an overwhelming range of products to choose from.
  • Choies gives priority to the customer and offers quality customer service.
  • You will enjoy quality free shipping facility from the company under the exclusive Free Shipping Program.
  • The company authorizes exchanges and a full refund on products that are damaged or defective upon delivery.